Have you ever thought about learning electricity from scratch? Discover everything about electricity and electronics, since these are an essential part of our lives and it is a world full of infinite possibilities and with a great capacity for growth.Learn what electric current is, how it is generated and produced, and its effects. What are electrical circuits and electrons in motion.Whether you want to learn about automotive electricity, industrial electricity or basic electricity, there are ample opportunities and a great need to know about this professional branch since we have direct or indirect contact with it every day.The human being of the 21st century is used to living with electricity in a natural way with phenomena such as static electricity or lightning in electrical storms. Likewise, artificially with home electricity, with the operation of electronic devices and the well-known household appliances. And, of course, we cannot ignore the devices derived from mechanics that have an electrical circuit that facilitate the tasks of daily life.Learn about the nature of this phenomenon (electricity) and about the different ways of obtaining electrical energy, the one that will be obtained thanks to the use of non-renewable resources having a great differentiation and importance. Discover everything about electric current, plants, calculations and electric circuits.